Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Hunter S. Thompson

I am too tired to write an eloquent essay on guilt and its crippling effect on the left and how If there was one thing I Identified with in Hunter S. Thompson's Writing (in fact there are many things) it was this: Life is a battle of ideas and ideals. We can't let the rat bastards keep killing all that is decent and until we can stop taking responsibility for the mess the 'Ominious They' keep getting us into we won't be able to properly fight back.

This is why his death is so terrible. I guess on one hand its none of our business why he killed himself but on the other hand its really hard to believe that someone who I always thought was capable of staring truth in the eyes and bighting its ugly face off could have finally become so overwhealmed with despair that he gave up.

Sunday, February 20, 2005

I'm finding it increasingly diffucult to suspend my excitement, Furthurmore I am having a hard time concealing said excitement

Saturday, February 19, 2005


I don't think the archives on this site ever worked but now they do so you can search through the past.

Monday, February 14, 2005

FS playing live on wednsday in the street and friday at the exeter

So the Verdict is in. Me and my dad (sic) both like David Byrne.

Andrew Burnard
to crburnard
More options Feb 13 (2 days ago)
Hi Dad. This is another email address I sometimes use. Anyhow I sneaked into
David Byrne last night. It was really neat. I was just about 6
meters from him. So simple and perfect. Hope your well. Andrew

Chris Burnard
to me
More options 3:36am (6 hours ago)
Probably the best music experiance that I have had , on a par with Peter Gabriel maybe.
Well done.


Anyhow, still camping out for David Byrne to mention adelaide on his online tour journal CLICKCLICK

Monday, February 07, 2005


Whilst the Apple II was a nice micro, the worst thing Apple ever did was produce the MacIntosh. It had a pushbutton-on-a-string called 'mouse', and included a silly video game called 'desktop'.

There was no command prompt with which to use it in any way.

A small unknown company called Microsoft later made the mistake of imitating
the Mac, when they had a perfectly usable OS called MS-DOS (or PC-DOS).

From anonymous comment in this article