Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Confessions of a random post

Hello. I have not posted anything on my blog in quite some time. You see, my Macintosh is basically dead. It is strange, life without a computer. I draw lots of pictures. One day I will start posting a comic book I am working on. I just need to find someone with a scanner set up.

Another thing is that somehow real life is not very blog freindly. Blogs are good for holding neat things you find on the web or neat things you put together on your computer. But honestly who really wants to read some random kids prose. Certainly not me.

Theres some frequent seahorse stuff happening. We just listened to the mastered version of the cd today. It's prettty cool listening to it. We'll get our hands on 500 of the puppies sometime after christmas.

Anyhow, more later.


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