Friday, December 31, 2004

Mail Bag

Dear Frequent Seahorse,

My name is Walter Sandwetch. I am 11 years old. My dad saw you guys once at a pub, I don't remember which one. He came home and said I might like your stuff. We have broadband so I downloaded all your songs. I like the new songs too. I was wondering a couple of things.
First of all, why don't you update some of the pictures and other stuff on the page. I'm getting sick of the look and feel of the page. Secondly how can I get my hands on this rumored CD. Oh yeah and your Blog totally rocks.


Dear Walter

Thanks for taking the time to write. First things first I know a guy who can make you a good fake ID. If you'd like I can hook you up with his email address. That way you could catch our cd release part later this month. (IE the end of January) at the supermild. Keep posted to this page if you decide to enter the world of drinking adults for a night of fun and music. If not, maybe your dad can pick a copy of the cd up for you in bigstar in febuary sometime or so. Anyhow who knows. Keep listening to internet music and freeing the information it is comprised of.. Oh yeah, and as for the update of this page, well just relax I got an itchy web authoring finger so that should come up pretty soon.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Friday, December 24, 2004

All your dreams will come true


If you don't know who the residents are and don't mind being re programmed a bit they are quite simply the coolest band ever. Even if you know who they are and don't like them, seeing them live is quite simply the coolest thing ever. I have never seen any theater or musical performance that was 1/10th as amazing as the residents show I saw. I can't do justice to explaining them so here's some links.

A comprehensive guide to the residents I used to check daily
The Residents Bog (sic)

Monday, December 20, 2004

Outdated Photos

Outdated Photos

Friday, December 17, 2004

What's so bad about text?

Yo kids. Text is dead. Get over it.

Egon even said it.

But it is a really effecient way to document ideas.






Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Confessions of a random post

Hello. I have not posted anything on my blog in quite some time. You see, my Macintosh is basically dead. It is strange, life without a computer. I draw lots of pictures. One day I will start posting a comic book I am working on. I just need to find someone with a scanner set up.

Another thing is that somehow real life is not very blog freindly. Blogs are good for holding neat things you find on the web or neat things you put together on your computer. But honestly who really wants to read some random kids prose. Certainly not me.

Theres some frequent seahorse stuff happening. We just listened to the mastered version of the cd today. It's prettty cool listening to it. We'll get our hands on 500 of the puppies sometime after christmas.

Anyhow, more later.