Wednesday, November 23, 2005


Here is a press release for the show:
The first ever HOIPE Festival (Here's One I Prepared
Earlier) is being launched at the Lizard Lounge from
9pm Friday December 2. It is planned as an annual
event celebrating the use of pre-recorded bits live.
This event features inFrequentSeahorse, Home For The
Def, Matt's Little Brother and Apes of Goddam. Future
events could feature interplanetary groups, and you
could be there saying "I was at the first ever HOIPE
Festival, and it only cost $5".

Also, if you need some accoustic music earlier I play
original solo piano under the name "Noctilucent".

Andrew (D).

UPDATE: A great band we once played with and is probably my favourite Adelaide
sound is also playing. They are called Toit.


Friday, November 18, 2005

Frequent Seahorse Blog Relaunch

Hi. The blog is back up at a new address. I might one day repost the images and stuff but I'm not sure. Stay tuned for some exciting Seahorse News.