Sunday, September 12, 2004

The Umberella Brigade

At the beginning of a century not so long ago, in a universe so very, very close to our own (ours, in fact) was borne the Umbrella Brigade. Even at its inception a salvation machine of ghosts with the best of violent intentions that set out to right non-extant wrongs. Its vastness never vast, and its reception never warm, it was from the start long abandoned by a society that never wanted it in the first place. Nor the third (the second for a second, but quickly reconsidered). Besieged by wires with homeless plugs, the membership dwindled over the year(s), and now it numbers three. "ENNF" is their rallying cry, and, though none have any idea as to its meaning, all answer it with insurgent aplomb. And quite well, thanke yew very much.

Amber Ellis's Thoughts

Amber Ellis's Thoughts Many of Amber Ellis's classes are inneficient.

Mp3s every day

This Blogoffers an mp3 from somewhere every day. Good Idea, something I'd like to do. They have good stuff.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The Residents Mentioned in Spin Magazine

Now, when I was 16 there was only one magazine stocked regularly on the Quality Foods Center newstand that I found remotely interesting. This was Spin magazine. And from time to time they feature something interesting. Anyhow The Residents Bog's (sic) latest post is testement to this.

The Plutonium Kidz

Here's newly reworked tunes by my freinds the Plutonium Kidz.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Salaam Pax with Andrew Denton

Here is a link with a transcript of an interview between famous Iraqi Blogger Salaam Pax and beloved Australian Interviewer Andrew Denton. It's worth a look.

Gen Sez

Phsychic TV is going back on the road in Europe and the United States. This doesn't mean much for thos of us stuck on this big island but for the rest of the world this will be a must see show. Genesis-p-orrige and his old band Throbbing Gristle basically invented angsty electronic music. Now he has and his parther Lady Jaye have started to mutate into each other through the wonders of plastic surgery. This includes matching breasts which they gave each other on Valentines day 2003. As he came out of the anesthetics gen said to his other half "Oh, these are our angelic bodies."

Toit Love

A while ago a guy from this band rocked up at a Frequent Seahorse gig. They are called Toit Love. They are cool. Go listen to their tunes. I particularly like the song 'It's okay buddy'.

Monday, September 06, 2004


It is rumoured that a full length, yet to be named album is in the works. Papparazi have reported that the Andrews have made several trips into a local studio and often leave reeking of Salt and Vinager Chips and Vending Machine produced coffee. It is expected that a compact disc featuring many of your favorite songs ever will be released sometime in the next couple of months.

Here is a new blog

Okay, I've removed the link to the blog from the main page so that I can get down and dirty and start posting a whole lot of rubbish. This blog is an experiment that is meant to tie the frequent seahorse website more intensly into the fabric of the net. It is a marketing tequnique as well as a way of life. I hope to use this blog to draw fans in from the net so if you've stumbled across please leave comments. The topic of this blog will not only be frequent seahorse the band but also stuff I, the singer of Frequent Seahorse, find interesting.